Statistical Analysis Software (SAS)

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Request SAS

  • To request a copy of SAS, submit the online license agreement form. You must use your GW email address. SAS can only be installed on a Windows OS.
  • SAS is also available on all Windows computers in Gelman and Eckles libraries, and on some classroom and lab computers.

Note: The license for SAS expires on December 15th each year and has a 90-day grace period for renewal. A license renewal file can be emailed to your GW email address after a new license agreement form is submitted.



SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is a software suite developed for advanced analytics, multivariate analyses, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics.





  Available to

  • The Instructional Technology Lab (ITL) distributes the Statistical Analysis System software (SAS) to GW faculty members, students, and staff for academic and research purposes.

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