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GW Information Technology (GW IT) provides technology services and support to students, faculty, and staff.
Tools and Services for Researchers
Technology Regulatory and Compliance Support
GW Information Technology offers regulated environments and data protection, along with risk assessments.
Request Research Technology Services
- Data Management Plan Tool & Support Services
View the Research Guide from GW Libraries for information on Data Management Plans, best practices, archiving data, data security and data use agreements.
Data management refers to activities and practices that support the long-term preservation, access, and use of data.
Activities can include:
planning documenting
Federal funding agencies and government entities may require data to be made available after the completion of a funded research project. These agencies may also require transparency of project operations, which means that data management plans must be outlined, submitted, and approved during the initial proposal process for every research project.
- formatting
- storing
- anonymizing
- setting access restrictions on data.
- OVPR Data Use Agreements
Data Use Agreements (DUAs) are legally binding contracts between the George Washington University (GW) and another executing party that provide the terms for transferring data from the provider organization to the recipient organization. GW can either be the provider or the recipient of the data.
The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) within the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) must review and approve all DUAs.
- Risk Assessment
GW IT Information Security Services team is responsible for establishing and maintaining policies and conducting risk assessments to ensure that George Washington University has a secure information technology environment. GW departments and projects can request or be asked to undergo a risk assessment for their information resources. For more information on security assessments and how to request one, please refer to GW IT Security.
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