Two-Step Authentication (2SA)

Get Started
2SA is a method of securing access to online information with two things - what you have plus what you know (i.e., your password plus a code sent to your phone). GW IT uses Microsoft 2SA to ask individuals for a second confirmation of their identity at login using a physical device in their possession. The device may be a smartphone or tablet using an app, a text message sent to a phone, or an automated voice call to a landline or cell phone.
- Used in conjunction with the single sign-on platform, 2SA provides the GW community with an extra layer of security.
- Two-step authentication is used with most GW services including GW Box, GWeb and GW Google apps (email, calendar, drive).
- How to View, Modify and Setup Two-Step Authentication Methods
- Microsoft Two-Step Authentication FAQs
Available to
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students
- Affiliates
- Alumni