Policies, Standards & Guidelines
Policies, Standards & Guidelines

Policies, Standards & Guidelines

Image of laptop

Information Technology Policies

We promote and support compliance with laws, regulations, and university policies. Visit the Office of Ethics, Compliance, and Risk to view information technology policies.

Faculty & Staff Workstation Initiative

The Faculty and Staff Workstation Initiative is a centrally-planned and funded program that provides a primary computing device and standard peripherals (e.g., monitor, docking station, and webcam) if needed to benefits-eligible faculty and staff members to perform their teaching, research, and daily job functions.

Faculty & Staff Workstation Initiative Guidelines

Identity and Access Management Standard

The purpose of this Identity and Access Management Standard (“the IAM Standard”) is to establish principles that govern the creation of GW’s digital identities, system, and application access and related account management functions.

Note: Access to the GW IAM Standard is only available to the GW community. 

GW IAM Standard

Cybersecurity Risk Management Standard

GW IT’s Cybersecurity Risk Management Standard (“IT Risk Standard”) provides a framework to help establish a common, risk-based approach for identifying, managing and mitigating cybersecurity risks associated with all GW IT Resources that collect, transmit, store or process data including those used for research, teaching and learning, and administration.

Note: Access to the IT Risk Standard is only available to the GW community. 

IT Risk Standard

Cybersecurity Guidelines for International Travel

International travel increases the likelihood that personal and university-owned devices and data will be compromised. As a result, The George Washington University (GW) Information Technology (IT) has prepared the following security guidelines and tips for mobile devices to support GW community members traveling abroad on university business.  

Cybersecurity Tips & Best Practices

By embracing and implementing cybersecurity best practices, each one of us can play a pivotal role in enhancing the digital safety of our campus community.  Explore practical steps to enhance your digital resilience and fortify against evolving cybersecurity threats.

Cybersecurity Tips & Best Practices

Web Conferencing Storage Guidelines

Web conference recordings on Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate, Webex, and MS Teams are stored for 180 days, then moved to trash for 30 days before permanent deletion. Class recordings containing student information are protected under FERPA, with sharing limited to specific class participants.

Web Conferencing Storage Guidelines

Digital Millennium Copyright Act

All George Washington University including faculty, staff, contractors, and guests must adhere to specific policies (policy.gwu.edu) and various codes of conduct related to their university role.  GW’s investments in network resources and internet access enabling this flow of information is possible in part because of the legal protections provided by the federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA).




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