CCAS Cloud Courses

Get Started
- Cloud Courses are provisioned at the beginning of each semester for Columbian College of Arts & Sciences (CCAS) classes.
What are Cloud Courses?
CCAS faculty members have the option of leveraging the Columbian Cloud for use with instruction to offer Cloud Courses.
What do Cloud Courses Include?
Cloud Courses include:
- Access for students and instructors to CCAS computer labs
- Access to virtualized software via XenApp; SPSS and Microsoft Office are included by default
- Network storage for students and instructors, including a private folder to share between the instructor and each student
How Much Storage is Allocated for Cloud Courses?
- Shared Course Folder ("Course Share"): Every Columbian College course taught on Cloud receives a 10 GB shared folder for distributing files to students and instructors.
- Location: The Course Share will appear as a mapped drive on Windows machines with the drive letter S:\, and on Mac machines as students-group$ in Finder.
- Course Share folders will be titled [Department] [Course Number].[Course Section] [Course Title] [Semester] (e.g. S:\GEOG 6293.81 Special Topics 201403)
- Instructor Shared: This folder can be used as a "distribution" folder for Course files. Instructors have access to write to the folder, while students can only read. This would be used to distribute files to a class, without worrying that a student may overwrite the contents of the folder.
- Class-Shared: This folder can be used to share files amongst the entire class. Both instructors and students have read and write access to the entire folder. This would be used for course activities that require collaboration.
- Location: The Course Share will appear as a mapped drive on Windows machines with the drive letter S:\, and on Mac machines as students-group$ in Finder.
- Course Folders for Students/Instructors ("Student Folders"): Course Shares include a separate folder for each student enrolled in the course, private folders shared with only the instructor.
- Location: Student Folders located within the Course Share folder.
- Student Folders are titled [Student Last Name], [First Name] - [UserID] (e.g. "Smith, John - jsmith" is the folder name. It would be located at S:\GEOG 6293.81 Special Topics 201403\Smith, John - jsmith "e"
- Permissions: Student folders are accessible only by the students they are named after, and the instructors of the course.
- The intention for these folders is for assignment submission and other private file sharing between instructors and individual students.
- Location: Student Folders located within the Course Share folder.
Available to
- CCAS Faculty
- Students enrolled in CCAS courses